Lsa extraction

Lsa extraction
lucky u got these instead of an o of a. muscaria, puking would be the least of your problems lol. but for a proper lsa trip an extraction with paintare you sure that's fungus? i thought it was trace amounts of cyanide? (not enough to do much harm cept give you the shits or make you throw up) unless
LSA Drug Articles LSA is a psychedelic ergoline alkaloid closely related to LSD. It is most commonly taken by consuming an extraction made from Ipomoea tricolor
An experience with Morning Glory. 'Kitchen Chemistry LSA Extraction' by Anne R. Kissed
A description of the process of extracting LSA from Morning Glory Seeds.
Erowid Morning Glory Vaults : Extraction.
Erowid Experience Vaults: Morning Glory.
Erowid Experience Vaults: Morning Glory.